ened by the intense light.
Okay, the [Turn Undead] also has the flash effect.

As soon as I choose [Mine], the magic of the magic armor is stored.
It determined that [Run Away] was stopped.
Since I can use recovery magic and [Turn Undead] outside of combat, it appears that I’m not violating the rule.


I raised my mace and struck it with all my might.
In addition, the stone golem’s torso cracks and falls apart.

“Here’s the last one, one more!”

I raise my mace further and attack the stone golem.
Finally, the stone golem was covered in cracks, and I thought it fall over, but it glared at me with ghostly eyes glowing deep in its face.

“Geez! Did I count wrong?”

I must have hit it 30 times, but I seemed to have miscounted.
I was in such bad shape that I was sure I would break if I touched it, but it still raised its fist in the air, unafraid.

“Oh no, am I dead?”

I try to defend myself with my mace as a shield.
But at my level, I can’t block the stone golem’s punch.

I immediately select the [Run Away] command, but the deployment of the magic armor is slow.
I was afraid of this, but still, I was not frightened.
It is different from the time of Yamiyo.

[Dark Sword Type 1, Giant Wreckage Sword]

Yamiyo raised her sword with a sharp cry.
A large number of skeletons appeared on the sword, combined, and in no time at all, it became huge, turning into a sword with a blade 10 meters long with an eerie combination of bones.


Waving her pigtails, the black-haired beauty lunges at the stone golem, and with light in her eyes, she swings down the giant sword of bone.

With a crackling sound, the stone golem blows away and rolls to the ground, sending a cloud of dust into the air.

“Nice one, Yamiyo!”

I have friends, you know.
I knew they would come in to help.
I gave her a thumbs up, and a smirk and Yamiyo sat up, perhaps using up all her mana, but still smiling back at me fearlessly.

I raised my mace and ran to the stone golem.
I took an attack position, so the magic armor stopped, and I had no choice.

“I got it!”

As I try to slam my mace into the fallen stone golem, the stone golem gets up and unleashes a fist.
But I’ve already chosen [Mine].

The rocky fist is close to me, but I don’t care, I [Mine] it with my mace.

The stone golem’s fist and my mace collide, creating a shockwave of mana.


I was the winner.
The stone golem’s fist shatters into small pieces of stone, and it falls to the ground with an ear-shattering scream.


I, too, was shocked and blown away.
I’m glad I did that, practicing the backward somersault.

I was thrown to the ground and got covered with scratches.
I’ll have to practice ukemi next time.

[Acquired 10 rocks, 3 magic irons, and earth topaz!]

The result gets displayed in front of me.

Of course, there is no experience because it is [mining].
Let me repeat.
I don’t get any experience.

“That’s why I hate this event.”

Cackling, I fell on my back and fainted.

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