
Attention! Attention! Attention!

Before you begin reading this book, whether you end up liking it 9I hope you do) or not, PLEASE note the following:

v THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION: Although this book may reference real life people, events, places, songs, laws, and so on; it is still a work of fiction some facts may be changed or distorted intentionally or unintentionally. This is not a record of actual events but a story from the writers imagination but placed in South Korea as a world of choice to not only help readers picture it more vividly and also because the writer loves k-drama, K-pop, manhwa, webtoons and Korean web novels. So PLEASE, even if you see something like: A character called James Trump, Donald Trumps twin brother is a footballer with seventy kids, or Japan is a city in West Africa, please take it with a grain of salt. But don worry too much because the writer will do his best to make the world building based more or less on real life. Well except things such as the female having powers and such (it is a fictional work at the end of the day).

v I, THE WRITER/AUTHOR (Verti Kal El) CREATED THIS BOOK: Yes, I may not need to mention this normally but due to the nature of this work (i.e., the characters being imagined as Koreans in South Korea) it may be mistaken as a Korean work of another author being translated into English. This is not so. On the contrary, this is a novel written by someone who can speak, read, or write any Korean. All my knowledge on South Korea comes from k-drama, web novels, manhwa, K-pop, and the internet (e.g., Google). Well, itll be obvious to any Korean who can also speaks English fluently as everything will mostly be written in English (except things like names of places and food) such as songs lyrics and whatnot. The song lyrics of songs I make up in the book will mostly rhyme in English, but not so much so in Korean. Even if it does, I doubt thatd happen often. I mean, a song that rhymes in both English and Korean (or any other language)? Thatd be a masterpiece.

Also, Id really appreciate it if you drop your HONEST opinion as a review or comment. Questions about myself or anything about the book also goes. If you don like it and don want to read it anymore, you can feel free to let me know the reason why. If you even go as calling it Trash that even those in isolation prison won read, Id prefer that to false praises or not commenting at all. Please help me get better.

Well, that is all I have for the disclaimer. I sincerely hope you have a wonderful experience reading my work and it helps you pass time, and you stick around with me. If this book works out, I already have ideas for a series of books that belong to the same universe s this one like my own MCU or something.

Many thanks for reading to this point,

Verti Kal El.

Fun facts about my pen name: Verti Kal El

Vertical L

Lil Uzi Vert + Kal El as in Superman.

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